Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Slowly creating new language in my heart...

I've never been good at memorizing scripture, though in school I could memorize lines, emotions to tie to the words of the character I spoke, His Word has always been a struggle for me. But how else can I learn to tell the difference between Truth and the multitude of lies I hear daily? I humble myself to learn His language, His voice, to repeat over and over, to help this hard head learn new gentleness, new grace.

"Your steadfast love, oh Lord, extends to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds;
your righteousness is like the mighty mountains of God,
your judgments are like the great deep;
both man and beast you save, oh Lord.
How precious is your steadfast love, oh God!
The children of mankind take refuge underneath your wings."
~ Psalm 37: 5-7 (ESV)

holy experience

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tucking His Word into my wandering heart

Driving through the hills, twice daily, tempted to use Bluetooth, instead using the heart voice.

“Your steadfast love, oh Lord…”

Steadying me, chasing away the worry.

“But what about? What if? What will we do if-

Your steadfast love, oh Lord, extends to the heavens…”

Friends breaking, life roller-coaster we beg to take a break from, Lord I am tired.

“How precious is your steadfast love oh God!”

One verse at a time, slowly, etching bits of Him into me. Taking my weakness and drawing from His strength. Taking His word as my daily bread. Again, I cling to His words, hoping someday it may bless more than me.

holy experience

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Laying down my sword and shield...

"Be still, and know that I am God..."
~ Psalm 46:10

As I thought on this verse that is now a daily reminder, I thought "Ok, I can do that now"...

At which point I realized that wasn't what I meant, what I really meant was "I can do that while I shampoo my hair and wash my face..."
Being still isn't my strong suit. I always have a running to-do list in my head, nagging at me to be productive, to get things done.
Come home, make dinner, eat, clean up, take a shower, straighten living room, make sandwiches for tomorrow, wipe down counters... Oh, I still have time? Ok, catch up on Facebook, edit photos, dust furniture... Oh fudge, time to get ready for bed. And on and on it goes, mornings aren't much better, sleep has become a precious commodity and waking up earlier than the sun is rarely appealing. How can I be still with so much to do? I can't just drop everything!
Maybe, just maybe, that's exactly what God is looking for.

In this verse the psalmist is speaking about how God is in control on the battlefield, how His people can trust in Him as their refuge and stronghold. What applies to arrows, swords and shields just might apply to dishes, Facebook and maybe even Bible study or worship practice. Do I trust Him enough to slow down? To lay down my 'protection' of busyness, my pride in being in-demand and just let the stillness come? Do I dare stop moving and just be? Do I dare say 'no' to all the things and people asking for my time? For every time I say 'yes' to another thing, I am making it more and more difficult to carve out time for quiet, for stillness.

I lay down this burden of doing, of accomplishing, and take up the redeeming cross of stillness, of peace.
"The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." ~ Psalm 46:11